Exposing russian fakes about Ukraine
Until 2013, many residents of other countries had not heard about Ukraine. After the start of the war and the annexation of territories by the russian federation the whole world heard about Ukraine.
Since the russians do not know how to produce and fight, they only know how to lie and drink alcohol - I will tell you some facts to expose russian propaganda.
Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine the traditional founding date is 482 AD, but the settlement existed even before that date.

Moscow - the capical of russian federation was founded 1147 AD.
Kyiv - was a capital of Kyivan Rus the slavic state 9-13 th century

Moscow - became a haven for Prince Yuri Dolgoruky after he deceived and killed his brother and stole the treasury from Kyiv.
As a result of the invasion of the golden horde of Genghis Khan, Moscowy became a satellite state of the horde. Later part of the Mongols horde settled in Moscow and founded the Moscow Khaganate (Moscow kingdom) and later the Moscow empire.

The name Russia appeared only in 1721.
I want to draw your attention to the fact that for the English-speaking Rus and russia seem the same, but it`s not true.
Rus is the designation of the Slavic tribes.
Russia - this is a term that was coined by Emperor Peter 1 in 1721 in order to reduce isolation with the rest of the world.
Trident remained the coat of arms of Ukraine, it was a symbol of the Kyivan princes.

The coat of arms of russia is a double-headed eagle (tamga), a symbol of the power of the successors of Genghis Khan.

Russia has been lying for centuries and trying to rewrite its history, even now they are spending billions of dollars on it, a lot of Internet resources are filled with fakes about the Slavic roots of russia.
Knowing the truth is easier to win.
Слава Україні!